Monday 25 May 2015

Unit 10, P1, P2-
In this essay I am going to describe the different types of market research, then I will then go on to explain how the different methods are used to make a marketing decision. Market research is the action or activity of gathering information about consumers’ needs and preferences. There are four main types of market research which are primary research, secondary research, qualitative research and quantitative research.

Primary research gathers original information directly for your purpose this includes, surveys, focus groups and questionnaires. Secondary research gathers existing information through available sources such as, information on the internet, existing market research results and newspaper articles.

Quantitative and qualitative research defines the type of information you gather. Quantitative research gathers numerical data, it includes sales figure and financial trends and qualitative research gathers views and attitudes, this includes focus groups with customers and potential customers to understand their feelings and attitudes towards your products and services.

All of these methods are useful when making marketing decisions. You can use quantitative research as an approach to identify the size of your market, it can also help you to understand the demographics of customers, such as their age and gender, The statistics that quantitative research produce is useful as it can give you an overview of your market.

Qualitative research allows you to get a better understanding of your customers’ needs and interests, which allows you to improve customer service and identify growing sales.

Primary research is valuable as it helps when they want to find out whether the public like their product/service, for example questionnaires can be personalised for the product or service, which will allow them to get an immediate and honest response.

Lastly secondary research can be used a reference, for example when a company wants to find out about a how well a similar product/service may have sold in the market. This data will inform organisations from beforehand whether or not their product/service may sell in the market

In this part of the assignment I will be planning market research for Sweet tooth. I will be explaining all the different market research methods Sweet tooth should use.

The first type of market research I conducted for Sweet tooth is primary research. Using this research would allow Sweet tooth to find out if the public would be interested in buying the product, this could be done by using questionnaires which is an efficient way of getting quick responses and with these results Sweet tooth will be able to identify their customers needs and adjust their product to suit their customers.

Another type of research is secondary research. This research is useful for sweet tooth to carry out as it allows them to compare their similar products that other competitors are selling, this would give them an insight on who their competing with and also how well the product sells in the market. using this type of research can also allow sweet tooth to differentiate their product from their competitors, as they will found out important information such as, price, target market and the design of the product. They could conduct market research through using internet, newspapers and articles.

The last type of market research is qualitative and quantitative research. qualitative research will provide sweet tooth with an in-depth understanding of the opinions from the public, they can conduct this research by gathering surveys. Quantitative research is useful for Sweet tooth as it allows them to get statistical data; this could be on old company's reports, for example sweet tooth can research old or existing company’s reports and get an insight on the amount of sales that could be potentially made when selling deserts.


Sweet Tooth is patisserie that offers delightful, scrumptious sweet treats that will tingle your taste buds. This questionnaire will help our company narrow down customer’s favourite flavours of our new range of milkshakes.

 1) What is your age range?

o   Under 16

o   17-25

o   25-30

o   40 and over

2) What is your gender?

o   Male

o   Female

3) Have you had milkshake before?

o   Yes

o   No

4) Which would be your preferred milkshake add in

o   Oreo

o   Ferrero Rochea

o   Skittles

o   M & M

o   Snickers

o   Starburst

5) Which special options would you like to see available?

o   Soy

o   Sugar free

o   Reduced fat

o   Protein boost

o   Organic

o   Reduced calorie

6) If you were to buy a milkshake which of the following would you be most likely to purchase it with?

o   Cookie

o   Muffin

o   Cupcake

o   Crisps

o   sweets

Unit 10 P5/M3
In this assignment I will be interpreting the findings from my primary and secondary market research.  I will explain why I carried out this research and what it consisted of doing. I will be analysing the findings from my primary and secondary market research. I will analyse this data by presenting the findings of my market research and will go on to explain how I could have improved when carrying out this research

For our primary market research, my team and I needed to find out what different flavours the students liked, what ingredients they would like their milkshake to be made with and what extra deserts they would purchase with their milkshake. In total we managed to hand out 30 questionnaires and received them shortly after. They all gave us clear and direct responses. However we may have experienced people lying on the questionnaire or not paying an interest as we only sold under 10 milkshakes

My team and I also gathered some secondary market research. This is because we had to get an idea on how to price our product. We conducted this research by researching similar companies such as “shake away”. From this research we came up with the strategy of pricing our milkshakes at a lower price reason being we saw that “shake away” prices were a lot higher as they are an established business however we should have followed their strategy of pricing our milkshakes a little bit higher as we may have made more of a profit.

To make this research more affective, my team and I could have asked more questions so that we could get into depth of what our customers really wanted such as how much would you be willing to spend on a milkshake? With these results we could have priced the milkshakes as what was most comment and maybe we would have sold more. The pricing of the product that my team and I decided to settle on also did not work well when trying to sell our products. I think this was because the price was low people were not sure if it was a quality product so they may have not wanted waste their money

To improve on our secondary research, we thought that we wouldn’t price our milkshakes the same as “shake away” as we were thinking that we were a new start up business so the public would not want to buy a higher priced product from us if we are not established.  My team and I could have also research the prices of some new start up business that also sale milkshakes and deserts. Making our prices higher, similar to “shake away “could have allowed us to increase our profit when selling our milkshakes.
Unit 10 M1-
In this part of the assignment I am going to be explaining how different market research methods are appropriate to assist different marketing situations. I will be talking about primary, secondary, qualitative and quantitative research.

Primary research is more suitable to situations when an organisation wants to find out whether the public like their product or service. This is because they can provide organisations with a first had response to specific questions about their goods. For example, questionnaires will allow their target market to answer questions that will give companies an immediate response that is specially personalised to their product or services.

Secondary is best suited to situations where organisations for example wanted to find out information from 3 years ago about a similar product they would use secondary research, this information will be easier to get a hold of and will give an organisation on outline on how their similar product/service will do on the market. Secondary research can also help out in situations where companies wish to compare their sales rates to rival organisations.  For example in the case of Sweet tooth we could research other similar business such as the desert shop called "shake away" and compare their financial reports  to theirs for a specific year. This information would tell Sweet tooth if they are reaching their goals each year by researching how well they are doing compared to similar rival organisations.

Qualitative market research is suited to situations when an organisation wants to receive, in depth  criticism on their products or services. Organisations may arrange things such as focus groups and open questionnaires. These different forms of qualitative market research will provide organisations with detailed information on many aspects of their product or service so that they know how to alter them to reach consumer needs.

Quantitative research is best suited to situations when organisations want to use information to get an idea on how well their products will sell in the market that they are in and how they are doing as a company, compared to previous years, quantitative research is ideal for when organisations want a record their number of sales each year.

 Unit 10 D1
In this part of the assignment I will evaluate the market research method used by Sweet tooth.
Sweet tooth used primary, secondary, quantitative and  qualitative research

The first kind of market research we carried out as a team was primary market research. We carried out this research by creating a questionnaire which we gave out to the students and teachers who were our target market. The advantage of using primary research was that we were able to get back an immediate response of exactly what our customers wanted such as there was a question that was asked;
"If you were to buy a milkshake which of the following would you be most likely to purchase it with?" with this feedback we found that the most common response was cupcakes so we decides to sell them alongside the milkshakes. Having this knowledge meant that we were able to avoid wasting money on the other snacks that people would have not wanted. the disadvantage of using primary research is that people may have not taken our questionnaire seriously, the environment where we handed out the questionnaire which was college and it s very so people may not have had the full concentration focused on the questionnaire.

Overall I think that primary research had some good aspects such as with our detailed and direct questions we were able to get a direct response which was understandable, however I think for primary research to be successful a lot of questionnaires need to be handed out to maintain a broader response, which is what we failed to do. To improve I would make sure that more questionnaires were handed out.

Sweet tooth also used secondary research. We did this by researching other similar business such as "shake away". The advantage of using secondary research was that it was efficient as it did not take up all of our time, also we was able to get background information on how milkshakes sell in the market. We managed to determine our pricing strategy though looking at the pricing of strategy but we decided not to follow them and we priced our milkshakes for a lower price as we had the mentality the lower the price the more we will sell.  The disadvantage of using secondary research is that some of the research maybe misleading or fake. Some of the research we found was not relevant to us which caused us to make some wrong decisions.

Overall I think secondary research showed some good aspects, but it was my team and I poor decision making, such as we decided to make our prices lower than "shake away" milkshakes but this didn't work out for us as we spent money on ingredients and priced our products low which meant that we was not able to make much of a profit. I think secondary research is good as this shows that if we followed a current business we may have made more of a profit.

Sweet tooth was not being able to sell many of our products successfully. My team and I decided to carry out some qualitative market research, to try and find out why only a small amount of people were buying the milkshakes. We decided to have interviews with people around college, this helped us to understand why customers were not purchasing our product and what we were doing wrong so that we could make some changes to our milkshakes.  However, there was also a chance of people lying as well.  If some of participants lied during the interview, we would failed to be able to change our product, leading to little sales and a loss in the business overall.
In this assignment I have evaluated the research that my and I have used for our service.

Unit 10 M2/D2

In this section of the assignment I will be talking about why I chose the particular method of data collection for Sweet tooth. I will also be explaining how we carried out this research and evaluating the findings we got from the research.
When carrying out primary market research, my team and I decided to do this in the form of questionnaires.  We handed out 15 questionnaires which contained 6 questions. The results of the primary market research provided us with direct and detailed information from our target market that we needed in order to make the milkshakes how they wanted them. We managed to get all of these questionnaires filled out, and with each of them we were able to find out the information we wanted.  This was very helpful for my team and I reason being we was able to make the milkshakes to how our customers wanted which we knew would boost customer satisfaction levels. However, there was a chance that people could have lied when doing our questionnaires as we made the milkshakes to what people wanted but we did not seem to sell as much milkshakes as we thought we would.  We noticed this when we were selling our product and we failed to make over 8 sales.

We decided that we would use secondary market research to figure out how to price our product a. We did this by researching similar company’s such a “shake away”, we realised that their prices were a little bit higher than we intended to do for our own, but it was untestable for them as they are already a successful and established business. So we thought the lower the price the more people would want to buy, but this did not work out for us as we spent money on ingredients and we also priced our milkshakes low which lead to us not being able to make much of a profit, The research we undertook was good but we did not follow “shake away” pricing strategy like we should have.

By carrying out qualitative market research such as interviewing people one to one my team and I were able to get as much of a personal response from our target market as possible. This gave us the information we needed to make our milkshakes, as it would include all of the aspects that our target market wanted.

In my opinion, I feel that secondary research would have been best suited for Sweet tooth if we followed the pricing strategy I think we would have made more of a profit. The Sweet tooth milkshakes our unique milkshakes that our handmade. This meant that my team and I needed as much information we could get. This information would help our product stand out above other on the market and capture our target audience.



Wednesday 20 May 2015

 Unit 19 P1,2-
In this assignment I am going to discuss how my team was formed and who my team consists of. A team is a group of people with a common goal to complete a job or task. My team was formed by us choosing who we wanted to be in our team, I chose to be in a team with Alban, Mohammed, Mary and Benedict, we all have a set of skills that allow us to work cohesively in a team together. Together we came up with the team name of Sweet Tooth.

 I am going to talk about the different types of teams and the benefits of teams for an organisation. Teams work together to accomplish a common goal, people use teams to come together and accomplish tasks.  There are 4 different teams which are formal, informal, temporary and permanent,

Formal teams are teams that have been set up  by the organisation with the purpose of achieving specific objectives. There will often be rules and guidelines about when the team should meet up and some form of leadership structure.

Informal teams are a group of individuals that are not officially set up by an organisation, that sees the benefit of working together to achieve given purposes. They are usually less highly structured and rule-bound than formal teams.

Temporary teams are set up for a short period of time to complete a task, they come together to agree on a team plan, then the split up when the project is completed. Whereas permanent teams perform on a permanent basis and are not dissolved once the task is completed.

I would describe my team as a formal team as we have team meetings to discuss group plans
 An example of a team that I am going to explore is Greggs which is a bakery shop. Greggs is a formal team, which is formed by a senior team member and several other team members. The role of the senior team member is all about supporting with the management of the shop and making sure that everything runs smoothly, the team members are the people that make the place what it is, they are the people that make sure the food is prepared to the highest standard and serve customers in  a professional and efficient way. The staff all work together to support each other and share skills with each other to get results which is a successful efficient store.

There are many benefits of teams for an organisation, some of them are it reduces alienation, teams help to break the organisation down into more friendly components

In this part of the essay I am  going to explain how to build a cohesive team that performs well. Cohesive means sticking together as a team. There are several factors that help to make cohesive teams which is firstly understanding the teams strengths and weaknesses, this will help allocate work to peoples abilities and establish clear roles within the group. Secondly, establishing team objectives, this will allows everyone in the team to understand what they are trying to achieve. Thirdly the team should support each other, as teams that support each other can quickly move on from obstacles they are facing together and lastly being able to deal with team conflicts, teams often have disagreement and personality clashes so issues should be addressed quickly to avoid negativity in the team.

There are different theories about how to  build teams for example Meredith Belbin, his team theory is useful as they are used to identify peoples behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. He identified eight major roles, and argued that teams work particularly effective when they consist of members who are able to play all of these eight roles, these eight roles include;

1)The chair who coordinates the team efforts and ensure all resources are used effectively when achieving goals

2)The shaper sets the objectives and guides the team towards completing the task

3)The plant is the creative 'ideas' person

4)The monitor-evaluator analyses problems and evaluates progress.

5)The resource-investigator is good at making outside contacts and reporting developments outside the organisation

6)The company worker is practical, loyal and task orientated

7)The team worker is caring and every person orientated, they keep the team together and improves communication within the team.

8)The finisher maintains momentum and ensures the completion of the task.

Unit 19 P3, P4, P5 
Skills audit 
Personal Audit
Na’Rae Watson

Vocational Skills / Work Related Experience

Name of Workplace
Type of Job
[e.g. part-time, voluntary, work experience, full-time
When did you do the work-related job?
[start date and end date]
What were your main tasks?
Who was your line manager or supervisor?

Estate Agent –
Harlesden Heights

Work Experience

June 2012
-          Answering the telephone
-          Keeping the store tidy
-          Filing
-          Putting customers details into the computer

John Smith


Work Experience/ Part-time work

February-March 2015
-          Washing hair
-          Answering telephone
-          Making appointments
-          Keeping the store tidy
-          Greeting customers

Andrew Louizou

Identify a skills gap/Academic Skills / Qualifications

Name of Award / Qualification
When did you achieve the qualification?
Where did you achieve the qualification?
What skills and qualities did you gain from this qualification?
GCSEs- English, Science, Business Studies, Spanish, ICT, RE

August 2012
Twyford C of E High School
-Essay writing skills
-revision skills
-Communication skills

BTEC Level 3 photography

August 2014

Westminster Kingsway College
-Creative skills
-Team work skills

A Levels- English

August 2014

Westminster Kingsway College
-analytical skills
-essay skills
-vocabulary skills

Vocational Skills / Practical Qualifications

Name of Award / Qualification
[e.g. first aid certificate and sporting achievements]
When did you achieve the qualification?
Where did you achieve the qualification?
What skills and qualities did you gain from this qualification?

Ballet Certificate


Beverly’s Schools of dance
-Confidence skills
-Team skills
-Social skills

Personal Skills

Identify how aware are you about your appearance and dress codes?
Identify how aware you are about positive body language

With my appearance and dress code, I always make sure that I am appropriately dressed when I’m at work or at college. I like to dress smart when I’m at work as I know that I am in a professional working environment. I was taught that I should always dress smart and appropriate at secondary school as they were very strict on our uniform. I am aware that they taught us this so that when we go to job interviews in the future I know the suitable dress code I should have.

I am well aware of positive body language. I know that in order to show good body language I should always:
  • Have good posture to show confidence
  • Speak clearly so that I am understood by others
  • Eye contact with the person I am talking to

Inter-Personal Skills

Outline how well you get on with people.
How well do you get on with people in a professional environment?
I get on with people very well as I am an outgoing person and I find it very easy to talk to new people, even when I am in a new environment. I make sure that I display the same standards of behaviour that I expect from other people.

I get on very well with people in a professional environment. I communicate well with people that make it easy for to talk to others in a formal manner, and I am also able to show them respect. I make sure that I follow procedures and codes of conduct.


Give an example [if any] of how you have had a problem due to unacceptable behaviour.
Show how you have [or would] change your behaviour to better suit the situation.

An example of unacceptable behaviour is bullying so this could be aggressive, offensive or abusive actions or behaviour

An example of when I’ve shown unacceptable behaviour is when I’ve spoken when a teacher is talking, which shows disrespect to the teacher

I changed the situation by realising that it is rude to talk over someone when they are talking. I also put myself in my teacher’s shoes and thought of how I would feel if someone was talking over me.
I also insured that I did not sit next to people who I will get distracted by.


Name of Interest
What skills have you gained from your interest?

Play flute

I learnt how to play the flute in primary school, the skills I gained from this was musical skills and confidence skills as I performed in front of people.


I did ballet for 11 years and the skills I gained form this was also confidence skills and performance skills. I had to be confident in order to be entered for exams and to perform in front of people.


The skills I have gained from reading is an increase in vocabulary and it also improves my analysing skills as some things I read are analytical.

Agenda- materials- promotions- equipment
Time- 45mins
IN- Mk, Narae, Alban, Mary
Absent- Ali, Beni

   Cups from Starbucks for free so we can save money 

   Tissues for free as well. 

   How we shall promote the service?
   Posters, leaflets, 

   Alban- will make the poster 

   2 leaflet showing the menu and prices that will be displayed on the table. 

   Alban- logo      

Blender are group members will bring the blender.

Agenda- Logo
IN-Mary, Alban, Narae, Beni
Absent- Ali, Mohamed

What we discussed and what has been agreed.

We discussed the Colors of the logo, and how it should like on the poster and how it would suit the name of are event “sweet tooth”

We decided to choose a pink and white color scheme to much are sweet theme and we also wanted to add a tooth with icing on it, which looked like a cupcake so that it meets are scheme.

Agreed on this as a group, individual responsibilities are set:
·        Alban to create logo
·        Mary to do ask the public if they like it
·        Narae to gather the information in
·        Beni to analyze the results and see if we need to improve the logo or not.

Agenda-  Refreshment.
Time- 28mins
IN-Mary, Alban, Narae, Beni, Mohamed
Absent- Ali,
What we discussed and what has been agreed.

We discussed the types of services we want to sell at are event, the types of services
-      Milkshakes
-      Cupcakes
-      Mini deserts
-      Soft drinks
Decided to chose 2 out of the list but it was depending on the results we got from the questionnaire we will make,

Agreed on this as a group, individual responsibilities are set:
·        Narae questionnaire.
·        Alban and Mohamed to give out the questionnaire
·        Beni to gather the information in
·        Narae to analyze the results and see if we need to improve the logo or not.

Agenda- responsibilities
IN-Mary, Alban, Narae, BenI, Ali, Mohamed

What we discussed and what has been agreed.
We discussed the responsibilities of the each member for the event. Which we all Agreed on this as a group, individual responsibilities are set:

To sell milkshakes


Agenda- Refreshment.
Time- 53mins
IN-Mary, Alban, Narae, Beni, Mohamed , Ali

What we discussed and what has been agreed.

We discussed the types of event; we want to do at the college.

-      PlayStation
-      Music
-      Games
-      Selling services
As the conversation went on we were discussing on the advantages of the events above and as a group we decided to vote and do selling services.

Agreed on this as a group,
·        Narae
·        Alban
·        Mohamed
·        Beni
·        Mary
·        Ali

Agenda- price 
Time- 42mins
IN-Mary, Alban, Narae, Beni, Mohamed
Absent- Ali

What we discussed and what has been agreed.

We discussed the pricing of each services, and how much everything is going add up.

Agreed on this as a group, individual responsibilities are set:
·        Mary to also look at cheaper products.
·        Alban and Mohamed to also look at cheaper products
·        Beni to buy cheaper products
·        Narae to look at cheaper products

Unit 19 M1
In this part of the assignment I will be comparing the roles of the different members of the team. I will be describing the advantages and disadvantages of three Belbin roles including coordinator, shaper and plant.
Belbin's team roles are used to identify peoples behavioural strengths and weaknesses in the workplace. This information can be used to build productive working relationships, select and develop high-performing teams, raise self-awareness and personal effectiveness, build mutual trust and understanding and lastly aid recruitment process.

Co-ordinators are the ones who take on the traditional team leader role and have also been referred to as the chairmen. These people fill the role of negotiators within the team and they are flexible and diplomatic. The advantages of having a co-coordinator in a team is that they are calm and good-natured and they delegate work effectively. The disadvantages are they may delegate away too much personal responsibility, leaving them with little work to do. Mary and Alan were the team coordinators, they were to confident and mature individuals so we though they were best suited for the role.

A shaper are people who usually challenge the team to improve. The shaper is the one who shakes things up to make sure that all possibilities are considered and that the team does not become complacent. The advantage of having a shaper in a team is that they often see obstacles as exciting challenges and they tend to push others when they feel like quitting. The disadvantage is that they may be argumentative, and they may offend peoples feelings. Benedict and I had the role of the shaper, we have the drive and courage to overcome obstacles.

A plant is the innovator who comes up with new ideas and are able to solve difficult problems. The advantage of having as plant In a team is that they are creative and when it comes to contributing ideas and they are also imaginative. The disadvantages are their ideas can be impractical at times and they may also be poor communicators. Ali and Mohammed had this role as we all agreed that they were the most creative people in our tem.

Unit 19 M2
In this part of the assignment I am going to compare the effectiveness of Sweet tooth and my work place (Ego hair salon). I will analyse and compare the key elements of effective team operation between the two teams.
The leadership within Ego is very structured. The leader is the owner/manager of the salon. We are given a clear set of rules out and he delegates all my responsibilities. As a leader he is firm but delegates task out equally and treats everyone the same in my workplace. He is the only one who can make decisions in the workplace. Sweet tooth leadership is structured just like Ego we have a team leader, however no one really showed any management skills as everyone had their own job role which we were each responsible for. We were all allowed to contribute idea into the group and everyone’s idea was taken into consideration

The team performance in Ego  is very effective we all work together and help each other out and has a good performance overall. We have a lot team spirit which helps us work effectively together and get tasks done. In sweet tooth I felt that we were able to get jobs done, however I think we lacked the team spirit ego had. I think if we had team spirit we would have been able to motivate each other more and our event would have been more successful.

Sweet tooth were cohesive we all got on well with each other which allowed us to work together and avoided arguments. There were rarely arguments unless we were debating over a subject which needed discussion but then we came up with the rules that there would be no shouting in the group and everyone had to talk one at a time in order to get everyone’s point heard. We would also motivate each other as well trying to push our business to success. In ego we all stick together and help each other out when needed, we all make an effort to keep our work ethics on the same level.

In conclusion I have compared the effectiveness of ego and Sweet tooth.

 Unit 19 P6/D1
In this part of the assignment I am going to evaluate the teams overall effectiveness in meeting its objectives and my contribution to achieving these goals. I am also going to make recommendation's for improvements.
Firstly when my team came together for the first time we all knew each other but most importantly we knew each others work ethics which is how our team was formed together. Communication in our team was very good as everyone was outspoken which made it easier to get ideas contributed, however everyone being outspoken also made it hard for opinions to get across as everyone wanted to be heard but then we solved this problem by coming up with the rule that only one person can speak at a time, this made communication easier. I would say that our verbal communication was better than other methods of communication such as emails as some members of the group failed to reply back to some emails which made it hard to get tasks done within the group, communication would have also been better if all the group member were present at the meetings. In terms of us communicating with the public we made posters, leaflets and a Facebook page but I think we should have stretched our thoughts and got a sponsorship as I think this would have made our business more known.
I think we was a cohesive team as we all worked together to complete our goal which was to sell good quality milkshakes and cupcakes for people. we all worked together to produce a quality product, however I think if all the members of the team were present at all times, this would have prevented the feeling of not being organised as if some team member's did not show up it meant that we could not complete task that need to be done as a group because their point would not have been implemented. In my opinion I think I was one of the members who put more effort into the company as I was always at the meeting, and I always contributed new ideas which I though would be best for our business.
Overall I think our event went reasonably well, we provided the service we said we was going to offer which was high quality milkshakes and cupcake, I think we could have sold more cupcakes and milkshakes if we paid more attention to detail when it came to budgeting, as we was not able to make as much of a profit as we wanted but we were still able to provide a good service. I think I showed initiative and worked well within a team, at time I think I could have showed  more enthusiasm into the group
I think to produce a better event, a recommended improvement I would make are to make sure that everyone in the group attends all meeting as I believe that this can have a negative effect on the team, as it effects decision making and it also means that others are putting more effort into the group. Another recommendation I would make is to advertise our service more so that the public are aware of it and have a better budget.

My team member Mary gave me feedback on how i was a team member and this us what she said; The team member I will be giving feedback to is Na'Rae Watson. Na'Rae was a shaper I felt like her personality matched the job role. Her ideas were very unique and informative, without her the team would be like others were it lacks communications.

In conclusion I have evaluated my teams overall effectiveness in meeting its objectives